Pay in installments with seQura

General Terms and Conditions

What's on this page? Here's a rundown

1. Parties and acceptance of the general terms and conditions of contract

On the one hand, the supplier of the products, ACEL STORE S.L.U. (hereinafter also the provider), with registered office in POL.
RIO JUCAR, P. 3, N. 5, 30817 LORCA (MURCIA) – SPAIN.
Provided with N.I.F./C.I.F. B42881060, and e-mail: (please send your support queries to this email:, being the owner of the website, sets forth the contractual document that will govern the contracting of products or services through the aforementioned website.

And on the other hand, the User-Client (hereinafter the User), registered on the website by means of a username and password, for which he has full responsibility for use and custody, being responsible for the veracity of the personal data provided to the provider.

BOTH ACCEPT this document, and it implies that the user:

to. You have read, understand and understand what is stated here.

That he or she is a person of legal age and with sufficient capacity to contract.

That it assumes all the obligations set forth herein.

That they have read and accept these general terms and conditions of purchase from the moment they purchase any product offered.

This document may be printed and stored by Users.

The provider makes available to them the e-mail address so that they can raise any questions about these conditions.

These conditions will be valid for an indefinite period and will be applicable to all contracts made through the provider’s website.

The provider reserves the right to unilaterally modify these General Conditions, without this affecting the goods or promotions that were acquired prior to the modification, in order to improve the products offered.
In any case, these general conditions must be consulted before purchasing the products.

It is advisable that you keep a copy of the data contained in the products purchased.

The provider is not responsible for any loss of data, files or any damage resulting from a backup failure on the part of the User.

The provider is not responsible for the consequences that may result from inappropriate use of the products or services for sale on the website.

The civil liability of the provider for the products or services supplied is limited to the amount of the same, the user waives any liability to the provider for any reason in any case of dissatisfaction with the products or services purchased on the website, as well as possible failures, slowness of access or errors in access to the website, including loss of data or other information that may exist on the computer or network of the user who accesses the website.

ACEL STORE S.L.U. is a company specialized in the distance sale of refurbished Apple products (such as phones or tablets).
ACEL STORE S.L.U. sells its products remotely over the Internet through its website and/or by telephone.
ACEL STORE S.L.U. owns the physical store in POL.
RIO JUCAR, P. 3, N. 5, 30817 LORCA (MURCIA) – SPAIN.

2. Subject matter of the contract

2.1 Scope of application

The purpose of this contract is to regulate the contractual relationship of sale that arose between the provider and the user at the time the latter accepts these conditions of purchase during the online contracting process by checking the corresponding box.
These GTC shall apply from the day the order is placed.

The contractual relationship of sale entails the delivery, in exchange for a certain price and publicly displayed through the website, of a specific product.

2.2 Territory of application

The virtual store is active for all Spain, except Ceuta and Meililla,

2.3 Ability to contract

In order to place an order, you must be of legal age and have the capacity to contract.

2.4 Customer Acceptance

The validation of an order via the website is carried out by e-mail and also implies automatic acceptance of the GTC.
These terms and conditions are available on the website or, if you wish and request, we can make them available to you by email.

Modificación de las Condiciones Generales de Contratación

ACEL STORE S.L.U. reserves the right to make changes and/or modifications to these GTC.
We advise our clients to check them regularly.
In the event that these changes or modifications are made after an order has been placed, the conditions in force on the date on which the order was placed will apply.

3. Information provided on the website

3.1 Publication of prices

The prices of the products are those shown on the website for each product.

3.2 Product Information

Information contained in our advertising, brochures, other written material, on our website or provided by our agents or employees constitutes an invitation to make a deal.
Such information does not constitute an offer to supply any products by us.

The contents of are constantly renewed and updated to offer our customers the most complete and detailed information possible.
Because of this, it is possible that the contents may show, on exceptional occasions, provisional information about some products or services.
In the event that the information provided does not correspond to the characteristics of the product or service, the customer will have the right to cancel their purchase at no cost on their part.

All the contractual information on the website is shown in Spanish (Spanish) and communication with customers and users, as well as the formalisation of the contract, will be carried out in this language, although, if the customer wishes, they can consult the option of doing so in another language, always indicating this before starting the contracting procedure.

3.3 Availability of products and services

There may be times when it is impossible to supply all products or services due to the fact that they are not in stock or available at the time of purchase.
In these cases, we will contact you to give you a choice between the following options:

a) choice of an alternative product or service, with characteristics similar to the product or service to be replaced;

b) the communication of its availability, in case it prefers to wait for said product or service to be available again in the store.

If you decline our suggestions, your order for these products or services will be cancelled and any sums you may have paid for them will be refunded to you.

3.3.1 Availability of Promotional Gifts

There may be times when it is impossible to supply all promotional products due to them not being in stock or available at the time of purchase.

In these cases, Acelstore will make a credit of the balance in the user account to spend on future purchases in the store, for a value similar or equivalent to that of the gift not received.

This balance is personal and non-transferable and can only be used as a discount for future purchases.

Under no circumstances will a financial payment be made or a price reduction will be applied to the order placed.

3.4 Right of Cancellation

ACEL STORE S.L.U. reserves this action (right of cancellation) of the shipment of a product or supply of a specific service that does not comply with the quality requirements imposed on all products or services of
In the event that this lack of quality is detected, the Customer Service of ACEL STORE S.L.U. will suggest a replacement product or service and, if the replacement is not to the customer’s liking, the cost of said product will be refunded.

3.5 Orders 24 hours a day, every day of the year

The hours of receipt of orders are twenty-four (24) hours three hundred and sixty-five (365) days a year, although orders placed after seventeen hours (16:00) will not be processed, remaining pending for the following business day at the provider’s home.
Orders received during the weekend or holidays will be processed first thing on the following Monday, or first business day.

3.6 Fraud

If ACEL STORE S.L.U. suspects or detects any anomaly or fraud, it reserves the right to cancel the transaction for security reasons.

4. Purchase procedure

In order to access the products and/or services offered by the provider, the user must register through the website by creating a user account.

To this end, the user must freely and voluntarily provide the personal data that will be requested, which will be processed in accordance with the provisions of current data protection regulations, Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. Organic Law 3/2018 of 5 December (LOPD) on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights, detailed in the Legal Notice and Privacy Policy of this website.

The user will select a username and password, undertaking to make diligent use of them, and not to make them available to third parties, as well as to notify the provider of the loss or theft of these or of possible access by an unauthorized third party, so that the latter proceeds to block them immediately.

The user may not choose a username that contains words with the purpose of confusing others by identifying him or her as an integral member of the provider, as well as foul-sounding, insulting expressions and, in general, contrary to the law or the requirements of morality and good customs.

Once the user account has been created, you are informed that in accordance with the requirements of Article 27 of Law 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the contracting procedure will follow the following steps:

1. Choose the product or service by clicking on it, and it will be automatically added to the “shopping cart”.

2. If you want to add more products, you must select the “Continue shopping” option.
If by mistake you have added one that you do not want, you must click on the option to remove from the shopping cart.
In the shopping cart, the items, quantity, price, and total amount will be displayed.
Once all the products have been chosen, the taxes, charges and discounts will be calculated according to the payment and shipping data entered.

3. Once you have chosen the products and/or services, you must click on the finish tab to place the order.
When you click on this option, the confirmation of the purchase will appear (summary of the order placed, its details and the payment method chosen).

4. The user’s registration will be requested in order to make the purchase (this registration is free of charge), in which they must fill in a data collection form (in which they will have to accept the Privacy Policy, these GTC and other legal assumptions if applicable (and click on them for more information and legal conditions)).
Once you have completed this email, you will receive an e-mail confirming your registration at the e-mail address provided.
If you are already registered, you can access your data by clicking on the already registered user button.

Please check the spam and junk mail controls in your email inbox and always verify that the contact details you provide are correct.

5. Once registered, a screen of observations and options for acceptance of these General Contracting Clauses and the Privacy Policy will appear.
If you do not click on the options indicated as mandatory, you will not be able to complete the registration.

6. To finish the process, you will need to click on the Finish button

In any case, the user will be able to find out through the provider’s contracting platform, once the contracting procedure has been completed, regarding all the characteristics, price, forms of transport, date of contracting and estimated delivery of the purchased product.
Optionally, the provider may send emails to the user with this type of information.

If there is any type of error at the address indicated or at any other point in the order, you must immediately notify the e-mail address that will appear on the website to correct this error.

If you have any questions, you can contact our customer service through any of the methods provided on the website.

ACEL STORE S.L.U. will provide Customer Service for FREE through our contact email, if you choose another alternative means of communication, the user is the one who must bear the particular cost of the same. makes telephones available to you in Spain subject to the cost of your telephone operator.

5. Shipping

Shipments will be made through the MRW Company, whose Customer Service telephone number is 34 91 829 66 89 / 900 103 668.

The shipping to the Iberian Peninsula of the terminals purchased through the Acelstore website ( is completely FREE, so the customer will not have to pay any amount for this concept.
There will be an additional cost to be borne by the USER for shipments to:

-Balearic Islands (20€)
-European countries other than Spain and Portugal (20€)

The delivery time is usually between 1-3 working days, depending on the destination town and the payment method chosen (except shipments to the Balearic Islands and outside Spain).
This term is understood as long as the availability of the goods has been confirmed and the full payment of the order has been verified.

The Provider will not assume any responsibility when the delivery of the product or service is not carried out, because the data provided by the user is false, inaccurate or incomplete.

Delivery shall be deemed to have been made at the time when the carrier has made the products available to the user and the user, or the user’s delegate, has signed the delivery receipt document.

It is the User’s responsibility to verify the products upon receipt and to set out all the exceptions and claims that may be justified in the delivery receipt document.

In the event that the contracting does not involve the physical delivery of any product, which is directly downloaded from the website, the provider will inform the user in advance of the procedure to be followed to carry out this download.

6. Prices and validity periods of offers

The prices for the products displayed in the ACEL STORE S.L.U. include VAT unless expressly stated otherwise.
Products sold in the ACEL STORE store S.LU.
they are second-hand items, and are subject to the Special Regime for Used Goods (REBU), in accordance with Articles 137 and 138 of Law 37/1992, of 28 December, on Value Added Tax; and Articles 312 to 315 of the VAT Directive.

The prices of the products are always shown in euros (€) and correspond to the rates in force that will be applied at the time of purchase.

The provider reserves the right to modify the prices on the website without prior notice as well as to cancel the order for a legitimate reason in the event that in particular:

(a) the provider identifies a manifest error in the price and/or product (e.g. when a manifestly derisory price is shown and/or where there is an error in the essential characteristics of the product);

(b) where there is a dispute concerning the payment of the order;

c) when we see the creation of multiple accounts for a single account holder or multiple and/or fraudulent uses of discount codes.

Such expenses, unless expressly stated otherwise, do not include shipping, handling, packaging, shipping insurance or any other additional services and annexes to the product or service purchased.

(VAT, VALUE ADDED TAX: In accordance with the provisions of Article 68 of Law 37/1992, of 28 December, on Value Added Tax, the supply of products or services will be understood to be located in the territory of application of Spanish VAT if the delivery address is in Spanish territory except the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla. The applicable VAT rate will be the one legally in force at all times depending on the specific article or service in question. In orders destined for the Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla, deliveries will be exempt from VAT by application of the provisions of Article 21 of Law 37/1992, without prejudice to the application of the corresponding taxes and duties in accordance with the regulations in force in each of these territories.)

The payment made to the provider will entail the issuance of an invoice in the name of the registered user.
This invoice will be automatically sent together with the purchased product and, additionally, you can also request the copy in electronic format by sending an email to

The prices applicable to each product will be those published on the website and automatically applied by the contracting process in the last phase of this.
The customer assumes that, in any case, the economic valuation of some of the products or services may vary in real time.
In any case, this will always be communicated in advance to the users.

In the case of promotions of limited duration, the discount of the promotion will be applied as long as the order has been registered during the promotion period.

The data recorded by the different payment methods constitutes proof of the date on which the financial transactions were made and will be used to determine whether or not the order is subject to promotion.

For any information about the order, the User may contact the provider’s customer service telephone number or via email to the address provided.

7. Payment methods

Below, we detail the available systems:

7.1 Payment by credit or debit card

The user must have a valid credit or debit card, where they must specify all the digits of the card number in the corresponding form.

The transaction is formalized at the time of placing the order.

Only Visa and Mastercard cards are accepted

We only accept payments with secure cards in which your identity as a cardholder is authenticated according to the method established by your bank, through secure e-commerce (“Verified by Visa” and “MasterCard SecureCode”).

7.2 Payment in instalments with seQura

seQura is a payment method that allows the purchase in installments offered by seQura Worldwide SA (NIF A66054164).

Thanks to seQura you can finance your payment for your purchase in installments in 3 months without interest… or in 6, 12 or 18 months for only a small additional cost per month.

Split your order payment into 3 equal payments, at no extra cost.
One payment per month.
That’s it.
Instantly and without paperwork (this deferred payment plan may not be available during periods of the year).

For example, if you choose to pay for a €300 order in 3 months, you’d pay €100 at the time of purchase and another €100 each of the following two months.

Split your order payment into 6, 12, or 18 months for just a small fixed cost per month.
Only with your ID, mobile phone and bank card.
Instantly and without paperwork.
You can complete the payment whenever you want at no additional cost.
You can only split the payment over 18 months from orders of €390.

For example, if you choose to pay for an order of €180 in 6 months, you would pay €33 per month (only €3 per month per installment).

This is how easy and fast it is to split your payment with SeQura:

1. Select Pay in instalments as your payment method at checkout.
2. Enter your data (ID and mobile), choose your payment plan and pay the first monthly payment.
3. Enjoy your purchase !
All other payments will be made automatically each month.
If you have any questions, answer them here.

seQura has its own privacy policies and ACEL STORE S.L.U. has no responsibility for them.

8. Order Delivery

8.1 Shipping Address

Orders will be delivered to the delivery address freely designated by the user.
In this way, the provider does not assume any responsibility for when the delivery of the product is not made as a result of the data provided by the user being false, inaccurate or incomplete or when the delivery cannot be made for reasons beyond the control of the shipping company, assigned for this purpose, such as the absence of the recipient.

The delivery time of the order will be during normal working hours.

In the case of orders related to services, the provider may carry out automated actions to generate and send information related to the development of the service through the means of contact provided by the user, such as, for example: email.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the provider has adopted the measures required of a diligent merchant so that the delivery can be made within the agreed time, so that no liability can be imputed against the provider.

Shipments are only made to destinations in mainland Spain and the Balearic Islands.

ACEL STORE S.L.U. will make every effort to ensure that your order is delivered within the period that appears on our website on the date of issue of the order confirmation.

8.2 Delivery times

In general, delivery times are indicated on the product sheet itself.

However, there are particular situations, which are beyond Acelstore’s control, and which could vary these delivery times.

For this reason, the conditions listed below will prevail over any other information published on the Acelstore website:

Orders to mainland Spain

  • Order placed between Monday and Thursday (not holiday) before 15:00: Delivery in 24 working hours
  • Order placed between Monday and Thursday (not holiday) after 15:00: Delivery in 48/72 working hours
  • Order placed on Friday, Saturday, Sunday or holidays: Delivery in 48/72 working hours
  • Orders with battery replacement: An additional 72 hours will be added to order preparation

Orders to the Balearic Islands and Portugal

Guaranteed delivery within 7 business days, regardless of the day and time the order is placed

Orders to Germany, Belgium, France, Holland, and Italy

Guaranteed delivery within 15 business days, regardless of the day and time the order is placed

In the case of products or services not available at the time of purchase, our Customer Service may provide you with availability information and a delivery time.

If you have ordered multiple products or services in the same order, please note that they may have different availability dates, in which case you may receive them on different dates.

Please note that, in the event of the unavailability of any of the references at the time of shipment, you have the right to cancel the order at any time before the shipment of the same by contacting our Customer Service through the following email address: indicating the order number.

8.3 Shipping Confirmation

Upon delivery of the order to our carrier, we will send you shipping confirmation to the email address you provided when placing your order.
In the shipment confirmation we will indicate the corresponding tracking number so that you can track it through our carrier’s website.

8.4 Damage on delivery

The products are delivered in secure packaging.
If at the time of delivery it is visibly and clearly seen, without the need to manipulate the shipping packaging or the product’s own packaging, that a product has defects caused by damage caused by transport or an error is seen, in the same way, in the goods received, the customer must detail this fact in the receipt signed by the carrier and immediately contact our Customer Service line to email within 24 hours of receipt, in order to request the return of the affected product or products and proceed to replace them with another in optimal conditions or to refund the price paid for it, as indicated in said email.

Proof of delivery without any damage report is equivalent to a product with perfect packaging.
Likewise, if damage is detected in the product once the package has been opened while the packaging is in perfect condition, the customer has 24 hours from receipt to contact our Customer Service line at email
After 24 hours of delivery, no claims for damage to the product will be accepted.

9. Right of withdrawal

9.1 Right of withdrawal

The User has thirty (30) calendar days, counted from receipt of the order, to exercise the right of withdrawal thereof (art. 71 Law 3/2014, of 27 March), except in the case of requesting withdrawal because the concept of VAT is not stated separately on the invoice (all devices sold by Acelstore are subject to the REBU regime and therefore this concept is not stated on the invoice by separate),

In the latter case, the withdrawal period will be fourteen (14) calendar days, counted from the receipt of the order.

Products classified as Outlet, and sold in the corresponding section of the website, have a withdrawal period of fourteen (14) days.

If you are not satisfied with any of the products or services in your order, you may exercise your right of withdrawal by filling in the form attached to these terms and conditions, or by any other means in accordance with the law.
Unless the return is made due to defects in the product or service, the transport costs related to the return will be borne by the USER (with a cost of €15 for transport and management concepts).

In the case of services, the return will be accepted within 30 calendar days, counted from the date of the order and provided that the service has not been provided, in part or in full.
Otherwise, the amount of the services that are part of the order actually placed will not be refunded.

For the sole purpose of expediting the process we will provide you with a return number and instructions for the return procedure.
You must send it to us by email ACEL STORE S.L.U. or by post, always within 30 calendar days of receiving the order.
After this period, you can only request the return of the products for technical reasons subject to the warranty of these.

However, the client can always exercise the right of withdrawal by their own means and in accordance with the law, the above being a recommendation to speed up the process.

You must return the product with all the elements with which it was delivered, without damage or wear marks of any kind, and that does not denote an improper use of the good or different from its own nature to the address we have provided.

It is advisable to return it in its original packaging, in case it is not possible, the product could suffer a depreciation in value.
The customer will be responsible for the packaging and protection of the product(s) they are shipping.

Provided that the products are returned within 30 calendar days, without damage or wear and tear marks and complying with the requirements set out in this section, we will refund the full amount of the purchase within a maximum period of 14 calendar days from the date on which you have been informed of the consumer’s decision to withdraw from the contract.

Remember that the USER can make use of the withdrawal form referenced in ANNEX 1 (see end of the page).

9.2 Return due to an error in the order by ACEL STORE S.L.U.

When the product does not correspond to the one ordered, due to an error attributable to the company, the user must notify the company by email as soon as possible; ACEL STORE S.L.U. will bear the costs of collecting the product sent by mistake and delivering the product corresponding to the order placed.

9.3 Checking Returns

The verification and verification of the products to be returned will be carried out by ACEL STORE S.L.U. which, once at its facilities, will verify that they are received in compliance with all the requirements established in section 9.1. In case of missing any of the elements, it will be claimed from the customer for return.

10. Withdrawals

10.1 Refunds and Deadlines

ACELSTORE S.L.U. will make the refund within 14 calendar days of receipt and verification of the conditions of receipt of the shipment.
Using the same means of payment used by the consumer for the initial transaction, unless the consumer has expressly provided otherwise and provided that the consumer does not incur any costs as a result of the refund.
ACELSTORE S.L.U. may withhold the refund until it has received the goods to be returned.

10.2 ACEL STORE S.L.U. declines to refund the amounts if:

– The assets have suffered a depreciation in value, resulting from handling other than that necessary for their characteristics or operation.

– the products are missing some of the elements delivered by ACELSTORE S.L.U. in the initial order.

– the services have been carried out in part or in full.

11. Applicable warranties and after-sales service

11.1 Warranty

All products offered through the website are used and/or refurbished products, unless otherwise stated in their description.

All products have a warranty period of two (2) years from the delivery of the product, in accordance with the criteria and conditions set out in Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws.
Except in exceptional cases that may be of different duration, such as products sold in the Outlet section that have a (1) year warranty.

1. Unless proven otherwise, the products and/or services shall be deemed to be in conformity with the contract provided that they meet all the requirements set out below, unless due to the circumstances of the case any of them is not applicable:

a) Conform to the description made by ACEL STORE S.L.U.

(b) Are suitable for the uses to which products of the same type are ordinarily intended.

c) They are suitable for any special use required by the customer when they have informed ACEL STORE S.L.U. at the time of entering into the contract, provided that the latter has admitted that the product is suitable for this use.

d) They present the usual quality and performance of a product or service of the same type that the customer may reasonably expect, taking into account the nature of the product and, where appropriate, the descriptions of the specific characteristics of the products or services made by ACEL STORE S.L.U.

e) ACEL STORE S.L.U. describes the details, technical characteristics and photographs of the products provided by the manufacturer of the same, so that it is not bound by these public statements.

2. A lack of conformity resulting from incorrect installation of the product shall be equated with a lack of conformity of the product when the installation is included in the contract of sale and has been carried out by ACEL STORE S.L.U. or under its responsibility, or by the USER when the defective installation is due to an error in the installation instructions.

3. Liability shall not apply for non-conformity that the User knew or could not have been unaware of at the time of entering into the contract or that have their origin in materials supplied by the User.

Productos defectuosos

In the event of a defective product, ACEL STORE S.L.U. must proceed with the repair, replacement, price reduction or termination of the contract (as appropriate), procedures that will be free of charge for the user.
ACEL STORE S.L.U. is liable for any lack of conformity that manifests itself within two years of delivery.

Due to the particularities that affect refurbished products, a product will not be considered defective in the following cases:

  • If the terminal presents a notification warning that the battery is not an original component
  • If the handset shows outdated information about the health and cycles of the battery charge within 30 days of receiving the order
  • If the terminal presents a notification warning that the screen is not an original component
  • If the terminal meets the following requirements regarding battery performance:
    • If after 30 days after purchase the battery health is greater than 85%, we consider that it meets all Acelstore quality standards

    • If after 6 months of the purchase of the terminal the health of the battery is greater than 80%, we also consider that it meets Acelstore’s quality standards

    • After 6 months after purchase, any incident or problem related to the health of the battery will no longer be covered by the warranty, as it is completely normal for batteries to degrade with use

NOTE: In the event that it is necessary to collect the device for inspection at our facilities, the user will be solely responsible for the data and information contained in the device.
It is recommended to make a backup before sending.

11.2.1 Return of defective product: In the event that the product is defective in origin, you must send an email to with the order number and explaining the reason for the return.
Our Customer Service will contact you via email or phone call instructing you on how to proceed with the shipment of the defective product and providing you with a return number.
The costs will be free for the customer during this process (shipping, labor…).

Defective products must be returned to the address that we will provide with all the elements with which it was delivered in conditions appropriate to the initial state of the product delivered, without damage or marks that denote an improper use of the good or different from its nature.

Once the defective product is received in compliance with these requirements and it is found that it has a manufacturing defect, we will contact you to manage the repair, replacement, reduction or termination of the contract.
In any of the above cases, the derived expenses will be borne by ACEL STORE S.L.U..

Due to the particularities that affect the collection of items in the Canary Islands, Acelstore will not carry out collections at its own expense in this territory.
In this case, the user will be responsible for delivering the defective item to Acelstore’s facilities, or providing a collection address in the Iberian Peninsula so that Acelstore can manage the collection and subsequent delivery.
In this regard, Acelstore only ships to the Peninsula or Balearic Islands.

NOTE: In the event that it is necessary to collect the device for inspection at our facilities, the user will be solely responsible for the data and information contained in the device.
It is recommended to make a backup before sending.

11.2.2 Replacement of defective product: In the event that the replacement of the device is necessary, Acelstore will not make any payment for the price difference between the device originally purchased, and the device offered as a replacement (which will always be the same, or higher, than the one initially purchased).
It is also important to remember that Acelstore only ships to the Peninsula or Balearic Islands.

NOTE: In the event that it is necessary to collect the device for inspection at our facilities, the user will be solely responsible for the data and information contained in the device.
It is recommended to make a backup before sending.

11.3 Cases of warranty cancellation

The guarantee does not apply in the following cases:

– Deterioration created by adaptations, adjustments or modifications made to a product without written agreement with the manufacturer,

– Expenses related to maintenance, repair or exchange for parts due to normal wear and tear,

– Breakdowns and deterioration of the terminal caused by contact with liquids (in refurbished products the seal/tightness cannot be guaranteed since the products are opened to check that the components are in good condition,

– Breakdowns and deterioration of accessories,

– Deterioration created by misuse of the product, improper use, failure to respect the instructions for use with regard to its use and maintenance or improper installation,

– Damages caused by non-accredited persons or the user,

– Damage caused by accidents, lightning, floods, fires, or any other cause that is not the manufacturer’s responsibility,

– Damage caused by a failure of the system in which the product may be incorporated,

– If the model or serial number of the product shows any modifications,

– Use of the product outside the familiar and private framework, e.g. in professional use,


– Products already repaired by Repair Services outside of us.

11.4 Replacing an irreparable product

In the event that the product is considered irreparable or the cost of the repair is disproportionate to its value, it will be replaced with another exactly the same.
If the latter is not possible, we will offer you a product with identical or superior characteristics.

11.5 Timelines for repairs and replacements

In the event that it is necessary to repair or replace any of the devices under warranty, the deadline for delivery of the repaired or replaced item is 30 days from the day of receipt of the device at Acelstore’s facilities.

All repairs will be carried out by Acelstore at its own facilities.
Acelstore will not pay invoices for external services to the company itself.

11.6 Warranty on Repairs and Replacement of Parts

All repairs and replacements of parts carried out by Acelstore have a 6-month warranty from the date of delivery of the repaired device.

11.7 Return of out-of-warranty or under-repair items

In the event that a device has been declared out of warranty, or the repair quote offered by Acelstore has not been accepted, it will be necessary to pay €15 in transport and management concepts for the return of the device to its owner.

Acelstore will store for 30 days those items for which the end user has decided not to pay the price of the repair, or the return of the item.

After this period, Acelstore will not be liable for the item in question.

12. acelPROTECT coverage

Acelstore offers acelPROTECT coverage that protects you from financial expenses due to the destruction or damage of the device.

12.1 Cases covered by acelPROTECT coverage:

acelPROTECT coverage covers you against:

  • Bumps and falls
  • Liquids and moisture (except if the device has been completely submerged)
  • Wear
  • Defective batteries
  • Fire or lightning strike
  • Electronic defects
  • Abuse
  • Repair costs
  • Repair Specialist Fees
  • Spare parts
  • Terminal shipping and pick-up costs

12.2 Cases not covered by acelPROTECT cover:

Under no circumstances will acelPROTECT cover cover:
  • Robbery and theft
  • Replacement of the terminal in the event of a total loss
  • Commercial devices

12.3 acelPROTECT Coverage Restrictions

There are certain cases and situations in which coverage is limited.

The following cases and situations would be excluded:

  • In case of terrorism, civil wars, social unrest.
  • Natural or man-made disasters (such as earthquakes, storms, hail, floods, fires, explosions, landslides, and naval or railway accidents).
  • Damage caused intentionally.
  • Those extraordinary events and/or risks covered by the Coverage Compensation Consortium in Spain.

12.4 Geographical scope of validity of acelPROTECT coverage

The coverage is valid in Spain and throughout the world in the event of temporary travel, as long as it is a European Union device and is repaired in Spain.

In any case, Acelstore will only collect and send terminals for repair or replacement in the territories recognized in point 5 of this page.

12.5 Obligations of the acelPROTECT policyholder

The obligations of the policyholder are as follows:

  • Provide truthful and complete information during the application for coverage.
  • The premiums for the coverage must be paid punctually and in full.
  • In the event of a claim, the policyholder must comply with the obligations described above in this contract.
    Failure to comply with these obligations could partially or totally jeopardize coverage.

    • For example: In the event of a claim, you must report it within a maximum period of 7 calendar days from the occurrence of the claim through this email address:
  • You will need to follow the instructions to prevent and mitigate damage.
  • You must provide the necessary supporting documents in the event of an accident.

12.6 Commencement and End of Coverage

If due to the policyholder’s fault the full premium of the coverage has not been paid, Acelstore has the right to terminate the contract or to demand the payment of the premium due in enforcement proceedings based on the policy.

If the premium has not been paid before the claim occurs, Acelstore will be released from its obligation.

The contract is concluded for a minimum duration of 12 months, unless the policyholder exercises its right of opposition at least one month before the end of the current coverage period or Acelstore exercises this right at least 2 months before the end of the current coverage period.

It should be noted that acelPROTECT coverage is only valid for one accident report during the covered period.

12.7 Termination of the Coverage Agreement

You can terminate your contract within thirty calendar days of the conclusion of the contract, or from the time you receive the contractual information without stating the reasons and without any penalty.

13. Online Dispute Resolution

You can access the European Union’s online dispute resolution platform by following this link:“.

13.1 Complaint forms

If the user does not wish to benefit from the dispute resolution possibilities offered above, they may resort to alternative consumer mediation through complaint forms available to users or consumers who request it, provided that this is required by current legislation, they may request them from the provider or the competent consumer bodies in the autonomous community of the user’s domicile.

Even if it is not through a complaint form, any complaint that the user considers appropriate will be dealt with as soon as possible.

14. Nullity and ineffectiveness of the clauses

If any clause included in these General Conditions is declared, in whole or in part, null or ineffective, such nullity or ineffectiveness will affect only that provision or the part of it that is null or ineffective, the General Conditions remaining in force in all other respects, such provision, or the part of it that is affected, will be in force. for not being placed.

15. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

These conditions will be governed or interpreted in accordance with Spanish law in what is not expressly established.

The provider and the user agree to submit any dispute that may arise from the provision of the products or services subject to these Conditions to the Courts and Tribunals of the provider’s domicile (if they are not considered a consumer for the purposes of the TRLGDCU) or the user (if they are considered a consumer for the purposes of the TRLGDCU).

16. Comments and suggestions

Your comments and suggestions will be welcome.
Please send us such comments and suggestions via our contact form.

In addition, we have official complaint forms available to consumers and users.
You can request them through our contact form through this email:

Annex 1: Model right of withdrawal



NIF: B42881060

Address: POL.
RIO JUCAR, P. 3, N. 5, 30817, LORCA (MURCIA) – SPAIN.

Phone: 744639252


Data of the good/benefit to be withdrawn:

  • Ordered on/received on
  • Name of the consumer and user or of the consumers and users
  • Address of the consumer and user or consumers and users
  • Signature of the consumer and user or consumers and users (only if this form is submitted on paper)
  • Date

Right of withdrawal:

In accordance with article 68 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007, of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws, I inform you that I withdraw from the contract for the sale of the good/provision of service described above, so I would be grateful if you could contact me using the contact details provided, to notify me that this request has been made


This legal notice regulates the use of the website, which is made available to you by the entity responsible for the website, whose identification data are:

NIF/CIF: B42881060
REGISTRATION DATA: Mercantile Registry of MURCIA T 3497, F 80, S 8, H MU104206
PHONE: 686353080

Which we may hereinafter refer to as “company”.

Browsing the company’s website confers the status of user of the same, and implies full and unreserved acceptance of each and every one of the provisions included in this legal notice, which may be modified.

The user undertakes to make correct use of the website in accordance with the law, good faith, public order, traffic practices and this legal notice.
The user will be liable to the company or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this obligation.


The website and its services are free of charge, however, the company conditions the use of some of the services offered on its website to the prior completion of the corresponding form.
The user guarantees the authenticity and timeliness of all the data that he/she communicates to the company and will be solely responsible for inaccurate or false statements made.

The user expressly undertakes to make appropriate use of the company’s content and services and not to use them to, among others:

  1. Disseminating content that is criminal, violent, pornographic, racist, xenophobic, offensive, advocating terrorism or, in general, contrary to the law or public order.
  2. Introducing computer viruses into the network or carrying out actions likely to alter, damage, interrupt or generate errors or damage to the electronic documents, data or physical and logical systems of the company, or of third parties; as well as hindering the access of other users to the website and its services through the massive consumption of the computer resources through which the company provides its services.
  3. Attempt to access other users’ email accounts or restricted areas of the company’s or third party’s computer systems and, where appropriate, extract information.
  4. Violating intellectual or industrial property rights, as well as violating the confidentiality of the company’s or third parties’ information.
  5. Impersonate the identity of another user, public administrations, or a third party.
  6. Reproduce, copy, distribute, make available or in any other way publicly communicate, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the owner of the corresponding rights or legally permitted.
  7. Collect data for advertising purposes and to send advertising of any kind and communications for sales or other commercial purposes without your prior request or consent.

All the contents of the website, such as texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, as well as its graphic design and source codes, constitute a work whose property belongs to their respective owners, without any of the exploitation rights over them being understood to have been transferred to the user beyond what is strictly necessary for the correct use of the website.

In short, users who access this website can view the contents and make, where appropriate, authorised private copies, provided that the elements reproduced are not subsequently transferred to third parties, nor are they installed on servers connected to networks, nor are they subject to any type of exploitation.

Likewise, all trademarks, trade names or distinctive signs of any kind that may appear on the website are the property of their respective owners, and it cannot be understood that the use or access to it attributes any right to them to the user.

The distribution, modification, transfer or public communication of the contents and any other act that has not been expressly authorised by the owner of the exploitation rights are prohibited.

The establishment of a hyperlink does not imply in any case the existence of a relationship between the company and the owner of the website on which it is established, nor the acceptance and approval by the company of its content or services.
Those who intend to establish a hyperlink must first request written authorisation from the company.
In any case, the hyperlink will only allow access to the home page of our website, and must also refrain from making false or inaccurate statements or indications about the company, or including illegal content, contrary to good customs and public order.

The company is not responsible for the use that each user makes of the materials made available on this website or the actions carried out based on them.


The content of this website is of a general nature and is for information purposes only, without fully guaranteeing access to all the contents (for reasons beyond the control of Acelstore or for the realization of improvements and corrections to the aforementioned contents).

The company excludes, to the extent permitted by law, any liability for damages of any kind arising from:

  1. The impossibility of accessing the website or the contents, made available that have been accessed through the website or the services offered.
  2. Failure to comply with the laws, good faith, public order, traffic practices and this legal notice as a result of incorrect use of the website.
    In particular, and by way of example, the company is not responsible for the actions of third parties that violate intellectual and industrial property rights, rights to honour, personal and family privacy and one’s own image.

Likewise, the company declines any responsibility for information that is outside this website and is not managed directly by our site administrator.
The function of the links that appear on this website is exclusively to inform the user about the existence of other sources that may expand the content offered by this website.


In the event that any user or third party considers that there are facts or circumstances that reveal the illicit nature of the use of any content and/or the performance of any activity of the web pages included or accessible through the website, they must send a notification to duly identifying themselves, specifying the alleged infringements and expressly declaring and under their responsibility that the information provided in the notification is accurate.

For any litigious matter concerning the company’s website, Spanish law will be applicable, with the Courts and Tribunals of the user’s or client’s domicile being competent.

4.1 Alternative dispute resolution

Acelstore is a member of Confianza Online (Non-profit Association), registered in the National Registry of Associations Group 1, Section 1, national number 594400, CIF G85804011, Carrera de San Jerónimo, 18, 4º 1, 28014 Madrid (Spain).

For more information:

These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law.
Likewise, in compliance with the provisions of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Law, we inform consumers that, as a member entity and under the terms of the Code of Conduct, users may turn to Confianza Online for the alternative resolution of possible disputes (

If these refer to electronic transactions with consumers, or data protection when they are related to this area, the complaints will be resolved by the Confianza Online Mediation Committee, accredited for the alternative resolution of consumer disputes.

If the complaints relate to digital advertising, or data protection related to this area, they will be submitted to the AUTOCONTROL Advertising Jury.

We also remind you that you can access the European Union’s online dispute resolution platform by following this link:


All notifications and communications between users will be considered effective, for all purposes, when they are made through postal mail, email, or telephone communication.
Users must contact the company through any of the means of contact indicated at the beginning of this legal notice.

This legal notice has been revised in April 2021, so there may be variations until its next revision.


You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 calendar days of receiving your order, without the need for justification.

The withdrawal period will expire 14 calendar days after the day on which you or a third party indicated by you (other than the carrier) registers receipt of the order.

To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must notify us of your decision to withdraw from the contract by means of an unequivocal statement using this form:

In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that the communication regarding your exercise of this right is sent before the expiry of the corresponding period.

Consequences of withdrawal

In the event of withdrawal by you, we will refund to you all payments made by you in relation to the order in question, including delivery costs (with the exception of additional costs resulting from your choice of a delivery method other than that offered by Acelstore) without any undue delay and, in any event, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which we are informed of your decision to withdraw from this contract.

We will proceed to make this refund using the same means of payment used for the initial transaction.

We may withhold the refund until we have received the goods, or until you have provided proof of the return of the goods, whichever condition is met first.

It is your obligation to return or deliver the goods directly to us, without any undue delay and in any event no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which you inform us of your decision to withdraw from the contract, via this form or by any of the means provided (e.g. a letter sent by post or an email addressed to

  • Withdrawal form
  • Withdrawal request email:
  • Postal address: Acelstore S.L.U. (POL.
    RIO JUCAR, P. 3, N. 5, 30817 LORCA (MURCIA) SPAIN

Remember that the following information will need to be included in your application:

  • For the attention of (insert the name of the entrepreneur, his full address and, if available, his fax number and e-mail address):
  • I hereby inform you (*) that I withdraw from my/we withdraw from our (*) contract for the sale of the following good/provision of the following service (*)
  • Ordered on/received on
  • Name of the consumer and user or of the consumers and users
  • Address of the consumer and user or consumers and users
  • Signature of the consumer and user or consumers and users (only if this form is submitted on paper)
  • Date

The deadline will be considered fulfilled if you return the goods after the 14 days stipulated for their return have elapsed.
In this case, the cost of returning the goods is borne by the buyer.

Acelstore provides you with the following withdrawal form: Withdrawal form

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